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Dairy Health Clinician Notes: The cow #9169 in Stall 3 has a high potentiality to have mastitis due to the scars on Teat LH & RF. Need to special take care of. - Veterinarian JH (02/15/22)

Agriverse Dairy Farm Health Decision Support Platform

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Total Cows Dairy Health Clinician Visit Unhealthy Cows * Dairy Health Summary 📔
680 5 times/week 3

* The cows are transferred to a seperate farm for specific treatments and observations.

COW Number Lactation Number Reproduction Status Time (hh:mm) Stall Location
9169 10 Pregnant 7:02 3 John Smith

Below table displays the real-time images from the farm.

Live Camera 📷 ML/CV Label & Predictions 📹
Dairy Animal's Teats

Manual Teat Health Scores Sheet

Teat Location Manual Score
LH 3
LF 4
RF 4
RH 3
Dairy Animal's Teats

ML-Generated Teat Health Scores Sheet

Teat Location Manual Score
LH 3
LF 3
RF 4
RH 4

Accuracy: 85%